Advance notice of committee activities 27, 75
Advance reproduction of bills, extraordinary
or special session 81 (2)(c)
Advice and consent on nominations76 (1), 81 (3)(b)
Amendatory proposals and acts, display of text in 64
Amendment, definition99 (4)
catalog of sections affected (in bill title) not changed by 52 (7)
clerical correction in, by chief clerk or legislative
reference bureau 56
constitution, Wisconsin or United States 57, 58
disagreement on, between houses 3 (1)
enacting or enabling clause (Joint Rule 52 (3)),
reinserted if deleted by amendment56 (3)(a)
fiscal estimate not required 41 (2)(a), 48 (2)
major amendment, chief clerk may order
reproduction of engrossed 63
nonconcurrence by other house, how reconsidered
and rejected2
offered by request, name to be recorded 55 (2)
offering of, 4 copies required 54 (2)
of statute law, how shown in text 52 (5), 64
receding from position on 2
supplemental fiscal estimate on bill as affected by
amendment may be requested:
by joint committee on finance 41 (3)(a)
by presiding officer on request of bill's author 41 (3)(b)
by primary author during 5-day review of bill's
estimate48 (2)
title of proposal, how treated in 52 (7)
to United States constitution, how considered 58
to Wisconsin constitution, 2nd consideration 57
Analyses on substitute amendments51m
Appeal, definition99 (5)
ayes and noes (3/5 quorum) required 11 (2)
fiscal estimates 41
increase or decrease, how shown in bill 52 (5)(b), 64 (1)(b)
Approval and jacketing of draft proposals 54
Assembly chamber, definition99 (6)
Assembly organization, committee on, see Committee
on organization (of either house)
Author index to legislation, legislative reference
bureau prepares 77 (2), (3)
Authors, coauthors, and cosponsors on bills, joint
resolutions, citations 55 (1)
Ayes and noes required:
appropriation bill (quorum of 3/5 of members
elected required) 11 (2)
conference report approval (majority of quorum
or qualified majority) 3 (1)(b), (c)
constitutional amendment:
United States constitution (quorum of majority of
current membership (Joint Rules 11 and 12)) 58 (2)
Wisconsin constitution (majority of members
elected) 12 (2)(f)
expulsion of member (2/3 of members elected) 12 (2)(b)
fiscal bills defined (3/5 quorum of members
elected required) 11 (2)
investigation by assembly (majority of members
elected) 12 (2)(g)
trial by senate (2/3 vote of members elected) 12 (2)(e)
joint rules: amend, create, or repeal (majority of
actual membership) 96
joint rules: suspend (2/3 of members present) 96 (3)
judge, removal by address of the legislature
(2/3 vote of members elected required) 12 (2)(c)
one-sixth of members may require entry of ayes
and nays in journal12 (3)
pension bills (3/4 vote of all members elected
to both houses required) 12 (2)(am)
state debt and bonding (majority of members elected)12 (2)(f)
suspending joint rule (2/3 vote or of members
present unanimous consent) 96 (3)
veto override (2/3 of members present) 12 (2)(d)
Biennial session, art. XIII-1, Wis. Con., s. 13.02, stats.:
floorperiods, periods of committee work 81 (2), (3), 81m, 82
records continue throughout biennium 79
Bill, definition99 (7)
Bill history: required content 32 (1)
Bill title: required content 52 (1)
how treated in amendments 52 (7)
additional copies, procurement of 62 (2)
amendatory, display of text in 64
analysis by legislative reference bureau 52 (2)
appropriation increase or decrease, how shown in52 (5)(b), 64 (1)(b)
approval and jacketing of drafts 54
authors, coauthors, and cosponsors 55 (1)
carried forward to even-numbered year, which 83 (3)
certification of passage determined by senate and
assembly rules 32 (3)
chief clerk supervises entry of actions in history file 32 (1)
clerical correction in, by chief clerk or legislative
reference bureau 56
coauthors and cosponsors on 55 (1)
committee report filed in bill jacket 31 (4)
disposition of, at end of certain floorperiods 83 (3), (4)
drafting of, by legislative reference bureau 51
drafting requests, LRB numbers consecutive
throughout biennium 79 (1)
enacting clause required by art. IV-17 (1),
Wis. Con. 52 (3), 56 (3)(a)
engrossed, chief clerk may order reproduced 63
book of, kept by chief clerk open for inspection 33
chief clerk submits to office of the governor 34
enrolling of, by legislative reference bureau 60
explanative notes 59
fiscal effect bills, jacket to display "FE" 44
fiscal estimate procedure 41 to 50
format, text display, and structure of 52